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A Student’s Tips for Fueling with Superfoods

A Student’s Tips for Fueling with Superfoods

Sep 30th 2021

Living healthy, studying for exams, and taking long bike rides require a lot of energy. Michelle Moon discovered the power of superfoods while looking for sustainable energy sources to fuel her active lifestyle. Meet Michelle from @organicmichelle — a cyclist and busy college student. In honor of National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, Michelle shared with us which superfoods help fuel her workouts and how prioritizing good nutrition helps her stay active.

When did you realize you needed superfoods?

Throughout my life, I’ve looked for changes to create a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. As a college student, I realized that I needed superfoods to help me obtain nutrients and antioxidants on a day-to-day basis.

What was going on in your world that caused you to come looking for superfoods?

Two things come to mind: college and cycling. As an active cyclist and a student in various organizations, attending meetings and studying for exams, I needed a sustainable energy source throughout the day. Of course, I needed more coffee throughout the day. Now, I’ve come to realize that it was the lack of daily nutrients I was giving my body.

What ONE problem would you say Sunfood Superfoods eliminate or lessen for you?

I honestly did not realize how simple it was to obtain all my nutrients through so many superfood options. Sunfood makes living a healthy lifestyle so much easier.

What ONE benefit would you say you’ve gotten and valued most from using Sunfood Superfoods?

Because each superfood is already packed with great nutrients, it allows me to express my creativity through new healthy recipes on my food blog.

What 3 adjectives would you use to describe Sunfood Superfoods?

Simple, Healthy, Happy

How do you include superfoods in your diet?

I love sneaking in superfoods in my favorite everyday recipes, such as protein oatmeal and smoothie bowls.

What are your top 3 favorite ways to practice self-care?

Self-care to me is a combination of spending time with loved ones, exercising, and expressing my creativity through the arts.

What does a typical day in your life look like?

Early in the morning, I grab my protein overnight oats before heading to campus for class. Having breakfast already prepared before starting my day is a game-changer. I will either go on a run and lift or go on a long bike ride to help pump up my energy by mid-day. After properly nourishing my body, I’ll run to a few club meetings, then unwind with self-care for the night.

Any advice or messages of encouragement for others?

Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle. Too many of us are hard on ourselves to achieve a perfect lifestyle (Psst… It doesn’t exist). A healthy lifestyle does not mean waking up at 6 AM every morning to have a cup of green tea. It also does not mean exercising for hours each day. It is all about falling in love with yourself and living in harmony with your body, mind, and spirit. And hey, I will be cheering you on wherever you are in the world.

Photo credit: Michelle Moon.

Sunfood's "Natural Solutions" does not promote or suggest natural cures, natural healing or natural remedies for any disease, disorder or ailment thereof. This information should be treated as educational material gathered and discovered from various studies, clinical trials, and customer reviews. It is designed to encourage healthy lifestyles and independent conclusions in regard to natural products and alternative health choices. It is best to consult with your healthcare practitioner before attempting any form of natural cure, natural healing or natural remedy to any health issues.