Classic Flax Crackers
Feb 20th 2012
This recipe is a super simple way to recieve your daily intake of omega-3's and is very easy to make and adapt. Add spices, herbs, chopped veggies, etc. to make this recipe according to your taste buds.
2 cups flax seeds, soaked for 1-2 hours
1 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked for 1-2 hours
1 tsp Himalayan or Kalahari Salt
1/4 cup olive oil
Rinse soaked flax and pumpkin seeds well. Add to a large bowl and add salt and olive oil. Mix well. Taste and add more salt if needed. Spread evenly on a paraflexx sheet and place in Ex-Calibur dehydrator. Dehydrate overnight (approximately 8 hours). Flip gently over and peel off paraflexx sheet. Dehydrate until dry. Store in an air-tight container in a cool, dry place. Will last for at least 3 months.