your all-in-one solution for total wellness.
sunfood organic supergreens
Your wellness routine doesn't have to be complicated. You deserve a truly effective, healthy and convenient approach to getting all of your daily greens in.
Created in our family kitchen, Sunfood Supergreens was crafted with a "superfoods first" approach, using the highest quality and nutrient packed ingredients for an incredible boost suited for everyone!

we put our money where your greens are.
wellness that empowers you
- Our first two ingredients are organic chlorella and organic spirulina. Those other guys? Barley and Wheatgrass.
- Our Superfood blend contains 10g of greens and superfoods per serving! The leading brand has less than 6g per serving... some even as little as 3g!
- 19+ equitably sourced Superfoods, probiotics and enzymes means you're nourishing your body while also ensuring the planet and farms we partner with are cared for.

quality you can feel good about.
superfoods first approach
What makes Sunfood Supergreens Super Amazing? The first two ingredients in Sunfood Supergreens are Spirulina and Chlorella (real superfoods), and alone they make up about 60% of our blend.
Our high quality chlorella and spirulina powders are sustainably sourced and pack a nutrient-dense punch of protein, B vitamins, potassium, and iron. When it comes to superfoods that power your vitality, aid in detoxification and balance alkalinity—these complex blue-green algae are what your body will crave.

get real about your nutrition
it's all in the label...
The US FDA requires ingredients to be listed from the most weight to the least. We challenge you to look at the label of your current greens brand - usually their nutrition is grouped by "blends." Can you see what we see? They're less than 50% greens.
Are grasses amazing? Sure. But should you be paying a top tier price for a blend made up of 50% wheat grass? Absolutely not! Let the ingredients panel do the talking - then come walking back to Sunfood Supergreens.
All greens, No BS.
NO added sugar
NO artificial ingredients
NO soy
NO dairy
NO fillers
NO carrageenan
NO gluten
NO preservatives